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Windows Manager for X - X Win Man
guide to window managers and desktop environments for The X Window System, as used mainly by UNIX operating systems

Compiz Fusion aims to provide an easy and fun-to-use windowed environment, allowing use of the graphics hardware to render each individual window and the entire screen, to provide some impressive effects, speed and usefulness. For use with GNOME and/or KDE.

Enlightenment is a window manager. Enlightenment is a desktop shell. Enlightenment is the building blocks to create beautiful applications.

KDE general
KDE Windows
KDE is a powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment for Unix, Unix-like workstations and Microsoft Windows.
GNOME offers an easy to understand desktop for your Unix and Unix-like computer. On FreeBSD, Solaris and illumos is the GNOME 2 the most used desktop interface.
Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems. It aims to be fast and low on system resources, while still being visually appealing and user friendly.
LXDE is a free and open source desktop environment for Unix and other POSIX compliant platforms, such as Linux or BSD. The goal of the project is to provide a desktop environment that is fast and energy efficient. The name LXDE stands for "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment". LXDE is designed to work well with computers on the low end of the performance spectrum such as older resource-constrained machines, new generation netbooks, and other small computers, especially those with low amounts of RAM.
LXDE es un entorno de escritorio libre para Unix y otras plataformas POSIX, como Linux o BSD. El nombre corresponde a "Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment", que en español significa Entorno de escritorio X11 ligero. LXDE es un proyecto que apunta a entregar un nuevo entorno de escritorio ligero y rápido. No está diseñado para ser tan complejo como KDE o GNOME, pero es bastante usable y ligero, y mantiene una baja utilización de recursos.
MATE is a desktop environment forked from the now-unmaintained code base of GNOME 2. The name derives from a beverage called mate from subtropical South America. The renaming is necessary to avoid conflicts with GNOME 3 components. GNOME 3 replaced the classic desktop metaphor; this concept design is realized through its native user interface: GNOME Shell. It led to some criticism from the Linux community. Many users refused to accept the new interface design of GNOME and called for  continue the development of GNOME 2.

MATE es un ambiente de escritorio derivado del código base, actualmente descontinuado, de GNOME 2. El nombre proviene de la yerba mate, una especie de acebo, una planta nativa de Sudamérica subtropical que se utiliza para preparar una bebida muy popular y energizante llamada mate. El nuevo nombre fue necesario para evitar conflictos con componentes de GNOME 3. El lanzamiento de GNOME 3 remplazando la clásica metáfora de escritorio de versiones anteriores con una nueva interfaz construida sobre el Shell de Gnome, condujo a algunas críticas de la comunidad Linux. Muchos usuarios se negaron a aceptar la nueva interfaz de GNOME, pidiendo que se continuara el desarrollo de GNOME 2.
tmux is a terminal multiplexer on varios windows without use of X-window. It enables a number of terminals, or windows, in each running a separate program, to be created, accessed, and controlled from a single screen. tmux may be detached from a screen and continue running in the background, then later reattached.
template: label style by UXM - edition: 06-05-2014
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