Sistema Operativo
CAIDA - Center for Applied Internet
Data Analysis
An technican view of the Internet data,
with analysis, investigation, protocols, and more.
9.9 no operating system
CANTO ICT organization
Influence the innovation and
development of ICT solutions for the benefit of members by
developing, navigating and leveraging relationships with all
stakeholders. Advocate for policies, legislation and rules which
advance the creation of an environment which facilitates the
deployment of services and technologies around the region.
9.9 no operating system
Organisation for Standards and Quality
CROSQ is the regional centre for
promoting efficiency and competitive production in goods and
services, through the process of standardization and the
verification of quality. In this regard, CROSQ aims to support
international competitiveness for the enhancement of social and
economic development of the region.
9.9 no operating system
Dominios Latinoamérica
Dominios Latinoamérica es el portal
dedicado nombres de dominios de Internet, contenidos de Internet,
hosting, housing, e-marketing, cloud computing, aplicaciones de
teletrabajo y participación remota, Internet móvil, aplicaciones
móviles y otros temas relacionados, con especial foco en el
desarrollo comercial de PyMEs en la región de América Latina y
Caribe. Dominios Latinoamérica ofrece información actualizada y
noticias de utilidad para la comunidad de usuarios de Internet,
incluyendo tutoriales para el uso de herramientas, la opinión de
expertos internacionales y regionales, eventos presenciales,
webinars, newsletter y documentos de actualidad.
9.9 no operating system
FreeBSD Foundation
The FreeBSD Foundation is a 501(c)(3),
US based, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and
promoting the FreeBSD Project and community worldwide. The
Foundation purchases hardware to improve and maintain FreeBSD
infrastructure and publishes FreeBSD white papers and marketing
material to promote, educate, and advocate for the FreeBSD Project.
The Foundation also represents the FreeBSD Project in executing
contracts, license agreements, and other legal arrangements that
require a recognized legal entity.
1.1 FreeBSD
ICT Pulse
Hi, I am Michele Marius and I have
created ICT Pulse to discuss Information and Communications
Technology (ICT) issues from a Caribbean perspective. My interest in
this subject emerges from my decade-plus experience in
telecommunications ICT policy, regulation. contracting and
consulting, which has been developed in the Caribbean, Southeast
Asia and the South Pacific. Having returned to the Caribbean in
2010, and borne out of my own personal experience, I have observed
that it can be quite challenging to appreciate the impact of key
developments occurring in the ICT space, even if you work in
industry. Through this blog I hope to draw attention to pertinent
and topical ICT issues, and more importantly to give some insight on
how those issues might affect us here in the region.
9.9 no operating system
Infordisa Formacion-TIC
Toda la formación IT que necesita tu
empresa. Desde Infordisa ponemos a disposición de nuestros clientes
una gran oferta de formación técnica avanzada para ayudarles a
gestionar con más seguridad y autonomía su infraestructura
9.9 no operating system
Internet usage Statistics
Internet World Stats is an
International website that features up to date world Internet Usage,
Population Statistics, Social Media Stats and Internet Market
Research Data, for over 243 individual countries and world regions.
Internet World Stats is a useful source for country and regional
stats, international online market research, the latest Internet
statistics, world Internet penetration data, world population
statistics, telecommunications information reports, and Facebook
Stats by country. To clarify, the word "stats" is the abbreviation
of the English word statistics. Statistics is defined as the
collection, organization and interpretation of numerical data.
9.9 no operating system
IT NOW es la comunidad de tecnología y
negocios más importante de América Central y El Caribe. Es un medio
multiplataforma conformado por una revista mensual en versión
impresa y digital, una Guía de Proveedores con una aplicación móvil,
el sitio y una plataforma para promociones; así
como un newsletter semanal, una plataforma de redes sociales y una
gira de eventos conformada por IT Breaks (pequeños eventos
especializados) y el Tech Day, la gira de actualización tecnológica
más importante de la región. Desde el año 2005, IT NOW es el
referente No. 1 para los ejecutivos que toman decisiones en la
adquisición de productos y servicios tecnológicos. También es la
principal herramienta que utilizan los equipos de mercadeo que
laboran para fabricantes, integradores, mayoristas y empresas
consultoras de IT
9.9 no operating system
MeetBSD conference
MeetBSD can be traced back to its
humble roots as a local workshop for BSD developers and users. Since
then, MeetBSD’s popularity has spread, and it’s now widely
recognized as its own conference with participants from all over the
world. MeetBSD California continues to be a biennial tradition in
the San Francisco Bay Area. MeetBSD 2016 uses a mixed unConference
format featuring both scheduled talks and community-driven events
such as birds-of-a-feather meetings, lightning talks, and speed
geeking sessions. Speakers are to be determined – stay tuned for
more information!
4.1 Unix